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Liftoff Agent • May 09, 2024

Overcoming Depression in Real Estate | Strategies for Agents

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As a real estate professional, dealing with depression can be a daunting challenge. The pressures and demands of the industry can take a toll on your mental health. In this blog, we will explore strategies and practical tips to help real estate professionals navigate the challenges of depression and stay mentally strong.

Understanding the Pressures

Real estate professionals often experience high levels of stress due to the nature of their business. The demands from clients, contracts, follow-ups, and the uncertainties of commission-based income can all contribute to symptoms of depression. The pressure of waiting for a commission and dealing with the fear of financial instability can be overwhelming.

One of the key factors contributing to depression is the lack of control over certain outcomes, such as a failed sale. This feeling of helplessness can exacerbate depressive symptoms, leading to increased anxiety and fear about the future.

It's essential for real estate professionals to develop a routine that includes time for themselves, setting clear goals, and seeking support from coaches or a brokerage with a good coaching program. Creating a structured approach to daily activities and developing a standard operating procedure can help alleviate the pressures and uncertainties that lead to depression.

  • High levels of stress due to client demands and uncertainties of commission-based income
  • Feelings of helplessness and lack of control over certain outcomes
  • Anxiety and fear about the future
  • The importance of developing a routine and seeking support
  • Creating a structured approach to daily activities and setting clear goals

Financial Pressures

Real estate professionals often face significant financial pressures due to the nature of their business. The demands from clients, the uncertainty of commission-based income, and the pressure to secure additional deal flow can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety. Waiting for a commission and dealing with the fear of financial instability can be overwhelming, especially for newer agents.

One way to alleviate financial pressures is to prioritize savings. It is recommended that real estate professionals have at least three months' worth of savings to serve as a financial safety net. This can help mitigate the stress of waiting for commissions and prevent putting oneself in a difficult financial situation.

In addition, joining a brokerage with a good coaching program can provide support and guidance on how to navigate the financial challenges of the real estate industry. Developing a structured approach to daily activities and setting clear goals can also help in managing financial pressures and uncertainties.

The Importance of Savings

Having savings is crucial for real estate professionals, especially those who are newer to the industry. Building up at least three months' worth of savings can provide a financial safety net, alleviating the stress of waiting for commissions and preventing potential financial instability.

Savings offer a sense of security and peace of mind, allowing real estate professionals to focus on their work without being overwhelmed by financial pressures. It also provides a buffer during slower periods or unexpected expenses, ensuring that bills and living expenses can be covered without relying solely on commission-based income.

By prioritizing savings, real estate professionals can create a more stable financial foundation and reduce the anxiety and fear associated with waiting for commissions or dealing with financial uncertainty. It's an essential step in building financial resilience and long-term success in the real estate industry.

Seeking Support through Coaching

Real estate professionals who are struggling with depression can benefit from seeking support through coaching. While hiring a personal coach may not be feasible for everyone, joining a brokerage with a good coaching program can provide valuable guidance. Coaches can help real estate professionals navigate the challenges of the industry and develop a structured approach to daily activities. Creating a standard operating procedure and setting clear goals are essential steps in managing the uncertainties that lead to depression. By tuning into coaching programs, real estate professionals can gain insights into how to line out their business from A to Z, ultimately reducing anxiety and fear about the future.

Creating a Daily Routine

Developing a daily routine can be instrumental in managing the pressures of the real estate industry. Real estate professionals should prioritize time for themselves, setting aside at least a few hours each morning for personal activities. This may include activities such as exercise, reading, or practicing mindfulness. Having a structured morning routine can provide a sense of control and peace of mind, allowing real estate professionals to clear their minds and set a positive tone for the day. Additionally, establishing a routine for work-related activities, such as checking emails, making phone calls, and engaging in marketing efforts, can help real estate professionals stay organized and focused. By penciling in specific tasks and setting clear intentions for each day, real estate professionals can reduce feelings of uncertainty and create a more stable foundation for their business.

Supplementing Income with Airbnb

Real estate professionals can supplement their income by listing properties on Airbnb. This can provide an additional source of revenue to help cover living expenses and create a longer runway for financial success. By renting out a property, real estate professionals can ease the financial pressures associated with waiting for commissions and provide themselves with more stability in their income. This approach can also be especially beneficial for newer agents who are building their client base and may not have a steady stream of commission-based income yet. Listing a property on Airbnb allows real estate professionals to leverage their existing assets to generate income while they focus on growing their real estate business.

Focusing on Building a Client Base

Real estate professionals should prioritize building a client base to establish a steady flow of business. This can be achieved by targeting specific buyer types, such as first-time homebuyers or relocation clients, and creating tailored marketing strategies to reach them. Reaching out to friends, family, and acquaintances for potential leads, as well as engaging with prospects on social media platforms, can help new agents kickstart their client base. Additionally, collaborating with local businesses and attending broker tour events can provide valuable networking opportunities to expand one's connections within the real estate industry. Developing a comprehensive calendar and standard operating procedures for working with buyers and sellers can also contribute to a more organized and structured approach to client management, reducing anxiety and stress. By focusing on serving the needs of their clients and creating a clear roadmap for their real estate business, professionals can build a strong foundation for long-term success and financial stability.

Seeking Mental Health Support

Real estate professionals experiencing depression should seek mental health support to navigate their challenges. Seeking support from a mental health professional, joining support groups, and engaging in therapy sessions can be beneficial in addressing depression and managing its symptoms. Additionally, reaching out to a doctor for professional guidance and exploring mental health resources in their area can provide valuable insights and support for those struggling with depression. It's important to remember that it's okay to ask for help and to seek support from qualified professionals who can guide individuals towards mental well-being.


How can real estate professionals manage financial pressures to alleviate stress?

Prioritizing savings, joining a brokerage with a good coaching program, and supplementing income with options like Airbnb can help mitigate financial pressures. Having at least three months' worth of savings serves as a financial safety net, reducing stress about waiting for commissions.

What support options are available for real estate professionals struggling with depression?

Real estate professionals can seek support through coaching programs offered by brokerages or by hiring a personal coach. Additionally, seeking mental health support through therapy sessions, support groups, or consultations with a doctor can be beneficial in managing depressive symptoms.

How important is it for real estate professionals to develop a daily routine?

Developing a daily routine is crucial for managing the pressures of the real estate industry. Prioritizing time for personal activities, setting clear goals, and establishing structured work routines can help reduce feelings of uncertainty and create a more stable foundation for business success.

What strategies can real estate professionals use to build a strong client base?

Real estate professionals can focus on targeting specific buyer types, leveraging social media for marketing, networking with local businesses, and attending industry events. Developing standard operating procedures for client management and providing excellent customer service are also key to building a strong client base.


Navigating depression as a real estate professional requires proactive strategies and support systems. By understanding the unique pressures of the industry and prioritizing mental well-being, professionals can cultivate resilience and maintain a healthy work-life balance. From managing financial stress through savings and supplementary income to seeking support through coaching and mental health resources, there are various avenues for support. Establishing a daily routine and focusing on building a strong client base with clear goals can also contribute to long-term success and emotional stability. Ultimately, by taking proactive steps and seeking support when needed, real estate professionals can thrive in their careers while prioritizing their mental health.

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